How to stay afloat when the going gets tough

Informi's 10-step survival guide for small businesses, sole traders and freelancers offers excellent, practical support for when your market contracts.

Practical marketing tips for small business

Mark Williams of Dead Good Content invited me to chip in with some thoughts on the marketing section of this easy-to-read guide. He knew I had launched my first 'proper' business into to the UK's deepest recession since the Second World War, survived that madness, consolidated and finally built a dependable business with loyal clients. So maybe I was qualified to have a say on how to use marketing when the going gets tough. 

As anyone who sets out in business knows, the path is rocky, whatever the prevailing economic conditions. I can recommend Informi's guide on how to stay afloat when the going gets tough as an extremely useful resource for those taking on that challenge.  

Informi is an excellent free-to-use website that provides support on all aspects of running a business. Informi is run by AAT, the world’s leading professional body for accounting technicians. 


  • The Marketing Donut is another superb resource packed full of practical marketing advice for business managers and owners.  

Here's a general overview of my marketing services.

If you’d like to discuss marketing and your business please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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