If you are a busy business owner or manager you'll want to focus your time where your skills are most effective. While you may have unique skills within a sector, or a valuable network to nurture, or maybe a particular expertise, marketing might not be your forté. At any rate, you will certainly want to be focused on customers. If your prefer to outsource marketing or get some high level advice to set strategy, plans, tactics and campaigns, read on.
Do these statements reflect your situation?
“We're doing well but I know we can do better. It's time for a serious marketing review."
"We haven’t changed our email marketing approach for years. People don't want to open our mail!”
“Our sales and marketing isn’t joined up. Marketing just doesn’t bring in the leads any more.”
“I see others doing very well on social media but I never seem to have the time to make it work for my business.”
“Our website cost a fortune and we were told it would generate loads of enquiries. I’m still waiting.”
“I’m not sure whether to recruit an in-house marketing team or outsource some or all of the marketing...”
If some of those statements sound familiar I can help get you back on track with a systematic approach to marketing. I bring 35 years of experience from inside marketing agencies that helped clients target and sell effectively; plus senior (and junior!) roles in marketing teams of companies big and small.
Will you benefit from working with me?
As a business owner or manager you want to focus your energy where you can make the biggest impact. You know lead-generating marketing is crucial but it's not your No.1 skill. If you want a robust, clear marketing plan and a set of practical, do-able tactics to raise your profile, bring in quality enquiries and help you turn them into sales, then it's very likely we can help.
If you run a good business, are proud of it, but need some support with sales-led marketing, I offer proven result-based support. I work directly with my clients and their teams. If projects need wider support I brings together very talented individuals to deliver top-class service and results. I don’t run expensive offices; instead I use technology to keep overheads down, which means my fees are modest. While I don't make sky-high charges, I do offer a service on a par with big-name agencies, and one that is certainly more personal.
Your main point of contact is me! I ran my own small marketing agency, BuzzedUp between 2009 and the end of 2022 after 20+ years senior experience in agencies and in-house marketing roles. Now I'm a consultant.
I work with a handful of interesting businesses, many of whom have been loyal clients for years. Most of my clients are in the South West, along the M4 corridor and in the Midlands.
Get in touch
- Call 07816 680 266
- Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.